After School Suppers
Free suppers are offered to students at all Laconia schools participating in the Project EXTRA! afterschool activities at all Laconia Schools. Suppers are served just before dismissal around 5 pm. This is in addition to the free snack which has been a part of the afterschool program for many years. We will offer an assortment of cold meals, including many fresh fruits and vegetables as well as an occasional hot meal. To see the menu for the dinner program, please click on the Menu link at the top of the page. For more information on the supper program, please click here.
Funding for this endeavor is provided by the USDA as a part of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.
Funding for this endeavor is provided by the USDA as a part of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.